"rootNotSMIL":"URL: \'{0}\' Root node not smil: \'{1}\'.",
"errorMessages":"Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server.,No matching cue point found.,Illegal cue point.,Invalid seek.,Invalid contentPath.,Invalid XML.,No bitrate match; must be no default FLV.,Cannot delete default VideoPlayer.",
"unexpectedEnd":"Unexpected end of cuePoint param string.",
"rootNotFound":"URL: \'{0}\' No root node found; if file is an flv, it must have a .flv extension.",
"errWrongContainer":"ERROR: The dataProvider of \'{0}\' must not contain objects of type flash.display.DisplayObject.",
"invalidCall":"Cannot call reconnect on an http connection.",
"errWrongType":"ERROR: The dataProvider of \'{0}\' must be String, ViewStack, Array, or IList.",
"badArgs":"Bad args to _play.",
"missingRoot":"URL: \'{0}\' No root node found; if URL is for an FLV, it must have a .flv extension and take no parameters.",
"notLoadable":"Unable to load \'{0}\'.",
"wrongName":"Name cannot be undefined or null.",
"wrongTimeName":"Time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null.",
"undefinedArray":"CuePoint.array undefined.",
"missingProxy":"URL: \'{0}\' fpad xml requires proxy tag.",
"unknownInput":"Unknown inputType \'{0}\'.",
"missingAttributeSrc":"URL: \'{0}\' Attribute src is required in \'{1}\' tag.",
"wrongIndex":"CuePoint.index must be number between -1 and cuePoint.array.length.",
"missingAttributes":"URL: \'{0}\' Tag \'{1}\' requires attributes id, width, and height. Width and height must be numbers greater than or equal to 0.",